Palestine Before 1948: Photo Gallery
Palestine Before Israel's Creation
Photos in this section have been made available by Hasan Hammami, a native of Jaffa Palestine, and American friend Michel Bolsey, as well as the British Mandate Jerusalemites (BMJ) Photo Library collection. They show scenes of life in Palestine before the State of Israel was established. They firmly discredit the myth that Palestine was "a land without a people." In fact, by the 1930's and 1940's, photos of Palestinian families and young people could have been taken anywhere in Europe or the United States. Photos from 1900 show thriving towns throughout Palestine, and industry centered on fishing, orange and olive growing, and agriculture, much of it for export. For centuries, Palestine was the "breadbasket" of the larger Middle East. Visit the BMJ photo library for more sources. We welcome corrections to dates or names from families who may recognize these photos.
Arab Women's Union in 1944, Meeting at the King David Hotel in Jerusalem, Palestine
From the British Mandate Jerusalemites Photo Library

Inn on Lake Tiberius, Palestine, early 1900s

Pilgrims enter Bethlehem Christmas Day

Fishermen, Lake Tiberias, Palestine, 1900

Bethlehem Christmas procession 1910

Cultivated fields in Galilee, Palestine

Palestinian fishermen, 1910, Sea of Galilee

Jerusalem, Palestine in 1900

Nablus, Palestine in 1900

Nazareth, Palestine in 1900

Jaffa Gate, Jerusalem, Palestine c. 1900

Lydda, Palestine in 1900

Children and fishermen, Tiberias, Palestine in 1900

Upper Jordan Valley, 1900

Jaffa, Palestine, from the sea, early 1900s

Palestinian shopkeeper, early 1900s

Christmas 1910 in Bethlehem, Palestine (BMJ Library)

Palestinian children first communion

Palestinian couples playing in snow

Palestinian bride and groom, 1930 (BMJ Library)

Shepherds field, Beit Sahour, Palestine, 1934

Palestinians in Jerusalem snowstorm, 1940

YMCA Jerusalem Palestine, 1940s

The Hammami family, Jaffa, Palestine, 1947

Palestinian doctors and nurses, 1940s

Palestinian Footbal Club, 1941 (BMJ Library)

Palestinian young people visit Jericho, 1930s (BMJ Library). Source: Alfred Farradj and Fernando Halaby

Palestinian men, 1930s (BMJ Library). Source: Alfred Farradj and Fernando Halaby

Palestinian switchboard operators, 1930s (BMJ Library).

Schoolgirls protest British Mandate, 1930s (BMJ Library).

Palestinian men, swim outing, 1920s (BMJ Library). Source: Alfred Farradj and Fernando Halaby

Palestinian workers packing oranges, 1934

Palestinian couple on honeymoon, 1908 (BMJ Library).

Wedding photo of Costandi Yacoub Mahshi and Maria Betro Khamis, Jerusalem , 1907. Source: Laila and Issa Mashy

Palestinian family on steps, 1928 (BMJ Library).

Hammami sisters in Jaffa, Palestine 1933. Nahidah, Faizeh & Fatima

Palestinian teens at 16th birthday party, 1936 (BMJ Library). Source: Saba Abdo family

Palestinians at YMCA in Jerusalem, 1940s (BMJ Library).

Palestinian fruit seller, early 1900s

Men at Al-Aqsa Mosque, Jerusalem 1900

Palestinian family outing, 1935 (BMJ Library).

Gaza olive groves, 1900

Nursing staff at hospital in Nablus, 1940s (BMJ Library).

Rahil Lorenzo family wedding, October 22, 1944 (BMJ Library). Source: Samia Lorenzo Marroum.

Palestinian youth in 1936 (BMJ Library). Source: Saba Abdo family