Suggested Reading

A list of recommended books, magazines and websites offering a great way to begin your study of Palestine and her people. Book clubs and libraries can benefit from this list, and we urge you to share it with others.

Books by Jewish Authors

Witness in Palestine

Blood Brothers

On Palestine

This Time We Went Too Far

City of Oranges: Arabs & Jews in Jaffa

The Israeli Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy

The Other Side of Israel

The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine

Ten Myths About Israel

The Biggest Prison On Earth

Occupied Voices

The General’s Son

Condition Critical

Israel: Democracy or Apartheid State?

1949: The First Israelis

One Palestine Complete: Jews and Arabs Under the British Mandate

Jewish History, Jewish Religion: The Weight of Three Thousand Years

Israel and Palestine

Screen Shots: State Violence on Camera in Israel and Palestine

A Day in the Life of Abed Salama

Anna Baltzer, 2014

Elias Chacour, 1984

Noam Chomsky, 2015

Norman Finkelstein, 2010

Adam LeBor, 2006

John Mearsheimer & John Walt Stephen, 2007

Susan Nathan, 2005

Ilan Pappe, 2006

Ilan Pappe, 2017

Ilan Pappe, 2017

Wendy Pearlman, 2003

Miko Peled, 2012

Alice Rothchild, 2017

Josh Ruebner, 2018

Tom Segev, 2000

Tom Segev, 1999

Israel Shahak, 1994

Avi Shlaim, 2009

Rebecca Stein, 2021

Nathan Thrall, 2023

Books by Other Authors

The Battle for Justice in Palestine

Shifting Sands: Jewish Women Confront the Occupation

Mornings in Jenin: A Novel

Sharon & My Mother-in-Law

Yet in the Dark Streets Shining

Apartheid South Africa! Apartheid Israel!

Palestine: Peace not Apartheid

Perceptions of Palestine: Their Influence on U.S. Policy

Palestine in Pieces: Graphic Perspectives on the Israeli Occupation

Night in Gaza

In My Mother’s Footsteps: A Palestinian Refugee Returns Home

The Faith Club: A Muslim (Palestinian), A Christian & A Jew

Is Peace Possible: Christian Palestinians Speak

Reclaiming Judaism from Zionism

The Hundred Years War on Palestine

How I Learned to Speak Israel: An American’s Guide to Foreign Policy

When They Speak Israel: A Guide to Clarity in Conversations about Israel

Born in Jerusalem, Born Palestinian

I Am A Palestinian Christian

Peace and Its Discontents

The Question of Palestine

The End of the Peace Process

Palestinian Walks: Forays into a Vanishing Landscape

Beyond Occupation: Apartheid, Colonialism and International Law

Glory to God in the Lowest: Journeys to an Unholy Land

Against our Better Judgement

Ali Abunimah, 2014

Adelfang Osie Gabriel, 2010

Susan Abulhawa, 2006

Suad Amiry, 2003

Bishara Awad, Mercy Aiken, 2021

Rev. Brian Brown, 2022

President Jimmy Carter, 2006

Kathleen & Bill Christison, 2009

Kathleen & Bill Christison, 2009

Dr. Mads Gilbert

Mona Hajjar Halaby, 2021

Ranya Idilby, Suzanne Oliver & Priscilla Warner, 2006

Justice & Peace Commission, 2006

Carolyn Karcher, 2019

Rashid Khalidi, 2020

Alex McDonald, 2021

Alex McDonald, 2021

Jacob J. Nammar, 2012

Mitri Raheb, 2004

Edward W. Said, 1995

Edward W. Said, 1997

Edward W. Said, 2000

Roger Shehadeh, 2008

Virginia Tilley, 2012

Rev. Don Wagner, 2022

Allison Weir, 2014

Recommended Magazines

+972 Magazine

The Washington Report on Middle East Affairs

Tel Aviv, Israel

Washington, DC

Recommended Websites