Guiding Principles

We believe in the civil, political, and religious rights of all peoples.

We oppose all forms of racism, prejudice, bigotry, and discrimination, including policies that favor one religious or ethnic group over others. 

We call for full national rights, self-determination, and security of both Palestinians and Israelis based on international law.

We support: 

  • The Universal Declaration of Human Rights and Geneva Conventions

  • The Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination

  • Respect for democratic institutions, processes, and elections

  • Shared and equal access to Jerusalem by Palestinians and Israelis

  • The BDS movement and other non-violent approaches to ending inequality

  • The right of return for Palestinian refugees


We oppose:

  • Israel’s ongoing military and civil occupation of Palestine

  • Israel’s illegal settlements in occupied Palestinian territories

  • Israel's human rights violations, including its apartheid practices

  • Israel's indefinite military detention of Palestinian children and adults without charge

  • Israel's ongoing blockade of the Gaza Strip

  • US aid to Israel while Israel continues to violate human rights

  • The idea that criticism of Israel and opposition to its policies are anti-Semitic