
Walking amidst the carnage, June 8.
Photo credit: Omar Ashtawy/APA Images (via Mondoweiss)

Statement on June 8 Massacre

Israel’s latest massacre in a refugee camp

Partners for Palestine strongly condemns the twisted calculus that led Israel, with help from the US military, to kill 270 Palestinian children, women and men and wound 700 more in order to rescue four Israeli hostages. One Israeli soldier and three Israeli hostages were also killed in the process, making the net gain for Israel zero!  By no measure can this be considered a success. The harm to Palestinian families and to US interests is incalculable. Israel’s devaluation of Palestinian lives is appalling and complete.

This slaughter could have been avoided altogether, and all the remaining hostages returned alive, if Israel had accepted any of the ceasefire proposals carefully negotiated since early May. Hamas accepted a US-backed ceasefire proposal on May 8, but instead of ceasing hostilities, Israel began a full-scale ground assault and invasion of Rafah. 

Israel's Rafah invasion violated clear red lines articulated by the US President and should have resulted in a complete cutoff of all arms to Israel. Instead, President Biden announced a new shipment of weapons valued at $1 billion on May 15th. This was after the International Court of Justice ruled it was “plausible” that Israel was committing genocide. President Biden must be held accountable.

The US has invested enormous sums of money and diplomatic energy to encourage a ceasefire. Yet, just as one was reported near, the US military apparently provided guidance and intelligence to conduct the foolhardy rescue attempt which turned into the biggest single-day massacre of Palestinians in months. If this debacle is what US military “guidance” produces, we are all endangered. Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin and all those involved in the operation should be fired.

WE  DEMAND an immediate halt to US military support and weapons to Israel, a withdrawal of all US military personnel from Israel and Gaza, and an immediate ceasefire with unlimited aid flow from every land crossing available. Reparations for the utter destruction of Gaza must be provided by Israel, not by US taxpayers, and rebuilding must begin at once. American citizens must not sustain Netanyahu’s “forever war” for one more day, and we must do everything humanly possible to end it.

Statement on 2023 Events

We share the anguish of people in Israel, Palestine and around the world who were affected by the terrible Hamas attacks on October 7th, 2023, and the many months of bombing in Gaza that have followed. We have joined the many voices around the world calling for a ceasefire. The barbaric taking of human life must stop! The hostages held by Hamas must be released and the political prisoners held by Israel - many of them kidnapped from their beds in the middle of the night - must also be released. We believe that all lives are equally precious and that the continued dispossession of Palestinians and attacks on Israelis must end.

As Gaza's civilian population is driven from the north and bombs fall on supposedly safe areas in the south, as food, water, medicine and electricity are withheld, and as Israel's leaders talk openly of transferring any surviving Gazans to Egypt or other countries, it is clear that a violent ethnic cleansing is taking place. This is proceeding at a slower pace in the West Bank, but increased raids on Palestinian towns, a sharp increase in settler attacks, the bulldozing of homes and schools, and the emptying  of villages to make way for Israeli "firing zones" leave no doubt about Israel's intent to drive Palestinians from that region as well. These are clear violations of international law by an ally of the United States and a member of the United Nations. Hamas fighters also violated laws and committed terrible crimes, but Israel's response has been disproportionate in the extreme. 

Rather than be overwhelmed by the darkness, we are resolved to share what we know and provide perspectives that can lead toward positive change. Below and elsewhere in our site are materials we hope will be helpful. Please write to us at with questions or comments. May we all be protected and led to use our gifts for good in this challenging time.

Transforming Anguish into Action

We are heartsick over the carnage that is taking place in Israel and Gaza. We know this is a war no one can win, and many of us feel powerless. Yet there are things we can do within our own communities and online groups to make a difference.

We need to share facts with people who may not have information other than what they hear from mainstream media. It’s important to counter myths and false claims whenever we hear them. You can suggest sources like MondoweissHa’aretz and Jewish Voice for Peace to friends who are worried about antisemitism. You can also use talking points provided by the Institute for Middle East Understanding (IMEU), the article on our website about Israeli provocations, and a recent article in +972 Magazine* titled “Dispelling the Myths about Palestinian Refugees.” 

We urgently need to contact the White House and members of Congress to call for a cease-fire, and an end to US support for Israel as long as its ethnic cleansing of the Palestinian people continues. Israel’s supporters call them constantly. We should be mounting a counter-wave of calls for human rights. It may feel futile, but each day the calls are tallied and factored into policy decisions. Contacting elected officials in large numbers can make a difference.

Finally, we need to reach out to friends with relatives in Israel and Gaza who are suffering. It’s important to share messages of concern for all who have lost loved ones and friends. The gravity of this event for many of our neighbors should not be underestimated, and we need to show compassion for all. This may open doors to conversations that will lead people to work for justice.

*+972 is the country code for Israel, and 972 Magazine is published by Jewish and Palestinian residents.

Please click on the PDF links below. We document all our sources!


Statement on Recent Events

Hasbara on Hamas

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