Partners for Palestine Partners for Palestine

Freedom for all, except Palestinians

In July we celebrate our nation's promise of “liberty and justice for all.” For many Americans, that means all except the Palestinian people, especially those in Gaza…

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Partners for Palestine Partners for Palestine

After Memorial Day, a different war

My father and uncle are among the patriots we honor this week. Both fought in World War II, which cost my Uncle Fred his life when…

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Partners for Palestine Partners for Palestine

Supporting student protestors

The bold protests of students around the United States have given hope to millions of Palestinians who have been feeling forgotten…

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Partners for Palestine Partners for Palestine

A Friend Loses Family in Gaza

In 2006, a lovely woman named Ghada Ageel from the Gaza Strip stayed in our home. She was taking part in a speaking tour with women of three faiths from…

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Partners for Palestine Partners for Palestine

Israel's slaughter our responsibility

We are witnessing a slaughter of unimaginable proportions in Gaza. History will record this as a genocide that occurred while all the word was watching. From the comfort of our couches, we switch off the news and…

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Partners for Palestine Partners for Palestine

A Christmas Plea to Neighbors

Dear Family, Friends and Neighbors, Bethlehem is desolate this Christmas. Its people mourn the twenty thousand Palestinian Christians and Muslims killed by Israel…

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Partners for Palestine Partners for Palestine

Letter from Palestine

As I write you this message, I hear news of the death of 180 children today. Each person's share of drinking water is less than half a liter per day, and their share of food is less than a third of…

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Partners for Palestine Partners for Palestine

Powerful Reflections on Palestine

In Jerusalem, I stood at the Western Wall where Jews have prayed for thousands of years. I walked the Via Dolorosa, the path where Jesus walked on the way to his crucifixion and I prayed in the Church…

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Partners for Palestine Partners for Palestine

Palestinian Voices

Partners for Palestine is fortunate to have members with trusted contacts in the West Bank and Gaza who can provide first-hand information about the ongoing violence. We will be featuring them here…

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Partners for Palestine Partners for Palestine

Israel-Palestine is a failure of US foreign policy

Watching in horror at the loss of lives in Israel and Gaza, we should all ask ourselves why. The explanation that we hear is that they hate Jews, and they are terrorists. These may well be an answer, but I offer…

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Partners for Palestine Partners for Palestine

Witnesses to the Execution

Most of us would shudder at the thought of witnessing an execution, even that of a criminal convicted in court of a vicious crime. Yet we are witnessing the execution of thousands of Palestinians in Gaza…

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Partners for Palestine Partners for Palestine

UN Finds 645 Obstacles to Movement in West Bank

I'll never forget watching a pregnant woman and an elderly man struggle with their groceries as they climbed over boulders placed on the hilly path to their village. We had just shared…

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Partners for Palestine Partners for Palestine

Florida's Laws on Criticism of Israel Explained

Florida has a number of laws designed to stifle criticism of Israel. Some of these prevent the state from doing business with companies that boycott Israel. Others make it impossible…

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Partners for Palestine Partners for Palestine

Israel Attacks Jenin Refugee Camp....Again

As Americans were celebrating their freedom on the Fourth of July, Israeli troops were using American-made weapons to deny any hope of freedom to Palestinians in the Jenin Refugee Camp. Indeed, the…

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Partners for Palestine Partners for Palestine

Palestine before Israel's creation

Palestine was a beautiful region with a thriving multi-ethnic society before Israel was established. Photos from many family albums dispel any notion that this was a "land without a people." Education…

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